Fourth circular
Call for papers - deadline extension
Dear Colleagues!
Many of you have expressed the wish to propose an abstract for the 19th ICES but reported problems with keeping the deadline. In these circumstances we would like to inform you that the deadline has been extended until 15th December 2014.
We would like to remind you about some general principles of filling in the submission form:
Topics of possible papers can range from studies in ancient history and archaeology, through philology, cultural and classical history, art history, linguistics to anthropology and cultural studies, political science and development studies. Those wishing to present a paper are invited to choose a suitable field from the list of offered panels.
Submitted abstracts will be scrutinized by the committee and notification of acceptance or rejection will be given within one month. The committee reserves the right to suggest minor changes to the paper, in accordance with the expectations set by the panel organizers, in order to assure that it fits in with the themes of the conference. All papers should be based on original research or present new viewpoints in academic discussions.
The proposals must be submitted using the form on the official website of the Conference. Please note: proposals submitted in any other way will not be taken into consideration.
After the deadline, it will be not be possible to integrate any suggestions of papers into the programme.